A Mix of Fabrics and Cultures

Lustrous Asian silk, vintage English lace, vichy pattern that reminds me of the French Riviera, natural bird feathers, a suede fedora that feels like Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca and an Italian masquerade mask for sensuous looks that have an old world appeal combined with a contemporary flair. My contribution to this third edition of When Fashion and Nature Collide is about a mix of textiles and accessories infused with rich culture and history. A kaleidoscope of beautiful clothing made of fabrics from across the globe to match the stunning critters and flowers featured in the current issue. Roda and Darren’s photos have provided me the inspiration for styling nine outfits this month. There’s sure to be something to inspire you!
Soie asiatique lustrée, dentelle anglaise vintage, imprimé vichy français, plumes naturelles d’oiseaux, un fedora en suède rappelant Humphrey Bogart dans le film Casablanca et…

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