How To Be Self Dependent


In today’s world, one cannot say how life can change and takes a complete turn which you do not expect. This often leads to devastation and can even break you down . One of the biggest challenges that are happening to many people is that they are becoming dependent on someone and dependency could be mentally, emotionally, financially and even physically.

A lot of people cannot really live by themselves.yes! The one thing that we do not seem to understand is just like everything in this world, people and relationships also have an expiry date. It is essential to have the ability to live by yourself and with yourself, this will help you in many ways and make your life really simple. The day when you can go ahead and accept any kind of lifestyle, is the day when you are able to live with yourself. Therefore, this article will give you a quick guide on how to get one step closer to self dependency.

First, let us understand what it means to become self-dependent. It is a state of being independent where you no longer need any assistance, aid, and support from anyone else other than yourself to sustain and survive. Thus, you self-govern yourself because you have all the means to lead a happy life. When you achieve the state, you become economically independent and to a large extent become mentally stress free.

Now, getting back to the point, “How to achieve self dependency?” As mentioned earlier, self dependency starts from within. You need to discover the possibilities of what you can do depending on your abilities and resources available. You need not to step out of your home in search of help to start a sustainable living



Start from doing little things, as simple as planting your own vegetables in your own garden and save the useful seeds for future planting, begin worm farming to produce great fertilizers, begin rain water harvesting by preserving it naturally, use solar panel to meet your home energy requirements, cut tree branches to build your home furniture, raise dairy cows to get your daily dairy products, value the effectiveness of renewable resources instead of depending on non-renewable resources. These are just a few of the many ways self dependency can be achieved. It will take time in analyzing, understanding and practicing these activities, but it will earn you a complete sense of certainty with every passing day.


Practicing the above-mentioned things relieves you from being dependent on any external source. Like when you raise cows, plant trees or begin rain water harvesting, you are no longer dependent on municipality or shop. While you become self dependent, you do a bit in improving the ecology. For instance, you can use the dinner leftovers without throwing them by using them into the worm compost for worm farming, it can serve as great fertilizer and also help in maintaining ecological balance. In that way, you are improving your abilities to raise and grow your own stuff as well as helping in maintaining an ideal environment where you can breathe trouble free.

9 thoughts on “How To Be Self Dependent

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  2. Pingback: How To Be Self Dependent — Inspiration and ideas on creating your dream life – Suman Das Freelancer

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